Małopolska includes people with fewer opportunities in sports

training, workshops, joint work and discussion


May 21st, 2024

16:30 – 17:00
Connecting participants to the Internet streaming / Greeting the on-site participants in the conference room of Folwark Stara Winiarnia ul. Ogrodowa 2, 34-730 Mszana Dolna

17:00 – 17:15
Jerzy Suchodola – project manager, director of SZKOŁA GÓRSKA – Private Continuing Education Facility 

17:15 – 17:45
Film presentation and discussion
Proposal 1: Life is like riding a bike, to keep your balance you must move.

Ewa Kozak – physical recreation instructor specializing in fitness – modern forms of gymnastics and self-defense, combat system instructor (at the Podkarpacka Krav Maga School where she conducted self-defense courses for women and girls), active participant of cyclical, specialized training in the Combat 56 combat system. For what day: oligophrenopedagogue, physics and mathematics teacher.

17:45 – 18:15
Film presentation and discussion
Proposal 2: Balance and contact with other people – it is worth practicing in a group.

Mateusz Sławecki – graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Rzeszów, PE teacher, physical recreation instructor in the following specialties: downhill skiing, swimming, survival, rugby sports instructor and rugby trainer, lifeguard. Initiator of the rugby section, established at UKS Gorce on March 4, 2004. Coach of the Błyskawica Sports Club in rugby and alpine skiing.

18:15 – 18:45
Film presentation and discussion
Proposal 3: Our children – let’s develop balance among the youngest, both the less able and the more talented.

Zbigniew Stachura – graduate of the Krakow Academy of Physical Education, PE teacher for 41 years, physical recreation instructor specializing in downhill skiing and tennis. Councilor of the City Council
in Mszana Dolna.

18:45 – 19:00

19:00 – 19:30
Film presentation and discussion
Proposal 4: Balance is key in the mountains.

Małgorzata Jaguszewska (she runs in the mountains more than she walks) – a graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, majoring in physical education and defense education. Fitness and Nordic walking instructor. Mountain rescuer for 10 years. Quechua Forclaz tourist sports trainer at Decathlon Polska. Privately, she is a mother of two children.

19:30 – 20:00
Film presentation and discussion
Proposal 5: If we can’t do it outdoors, let’s practice at home.

Jerzy Suchodoła – graduate of the Krakow Academy of Physical Education, sports, and physical recreation instructor in the following disciplines: sports shooting and combat shooting, downhill skiing, rock climbing, survival, self-defense. Founder and director of the Szkoła Górska.

Teresa Przybylska – physical recreation instructor in downhill skiing and survival, instructor of the Polish Nordic Walking Federation. Polish language teacher, manager, public relations specialist.

20:00 End of the conference